Prof. Paterno is the new UPLB University Registrar
4 August 2021

Asst. Prof. Margarita Carmen S. Paterno is the newly appointed University Registrar of UPLB, effective June 3, 2021 to October 21, 2023. Prof. Paterno is preceded by Dr. Maribel Sese who served from 2020 to 2021. Prior to being the University Registrar, Prof. Paterno has served the administration of UPLB as the College Secretary for CAS from 2010 to 2011, and as head of various divisions in ICS including the Academic Programs Division and Computer Training and Extension Division.

Prof. Paterno finished her B.S Statistics from UPLB in 1988 and M.Sc. Statistics from Iowa State University, USA in 1994. In 1996, she joined the faculty of ICS and has been a faculty member in the institute for more than 25 years. She proceeded to take her M.Sc. Computer Science in 2005 from the National University of Singapore and is now currently taking her Ph.D. Computer Science in UPLB. She specializes in the field of Image Processing, Neural Networks, and Quantum Computing.

During her 25 years in the university, Prof. Paterno has received various awards including the 2009 UPLB Outstanding Teacher in the field of Physical Sciences. She has written various books in Computer Science and published a number of journals both local and international. Prof. Paterno is truly one of the gems of ICS – unquestionably excellent, religiously dependable, and amazingly outstanding.

-ZO Arnejo