The Institute of Computer Science is pleased to announce the appointments of two new members to its faculty this First Semester of Academic Year 2023-2024: Earl Samuel Capuchino and John Christopher Angeles.
Earl Samuel Capuchino, Instructor 5, graduated Summa cum laude of the Bachelor of Science in Computer Science (BSCS) program of the University of the Philippines Los Baños in 2023. His research interests are in cloud computing, game development, and web programming. During his undergraduate studies, he developed Notifly: persistent notification apllication for organizations using Facebook and Messenger as his Special Problem.
John Christopher Angeles is Instructor 3 and graduated cum laude of the BSCS program at UPLB in 2023. Web development, data science, and data structures are some of his research interests. One of his undergraduate research projects is a management reporting system for a homeowners association, a web application that provides the homeowners association with a platform to keep track of their officer tasks, homeowner complaints, income, and expenses.
ICS is very much delighted and proud to have them as part of our faculty roster.