PhD Computer Science
PhD Computer Science

The Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) in Computer Science, which was instituted in 1998, is an addition to the graduate courses offered by the Institute of Computer Science.

The PhD in Computer Science program is envisioned to develop and enhance advanced scholarship in applied and theoretical computer science, and to train and develop quality manpower for computer science education and the computer industry in the Philippines.

Graduates of the PhD program are expected to be able to:

  • demonstrate in-depth understanding of the body of knowledge in computer science; and
  • undertake original and independent research that will contribute to the current body of knowledge in his/her are of specialization in computer science, in such a way as to benefit the society.

Admission Requirements

Admission to the PhD program in Computer Science will be in accordance with the rules of the UPLB Graduate School.

For regular admission to the PhD program, an applicant must have an MS Degree in Computer Science or a related discipline obtained from any recognized institution of higher learning. The applicant must have at least one publication in a reputable, peer-reviewed journal or a full-paper in a refereed conference proceeding.

Before enrolling any of the major courses, a student must have passed the four core courses of the UPLB MSCS program or their academic equivalents.

The following are the core courses of the UPLB Master of Science in Computer Science program:

    • CMSC 214

    • CMSC 215

    • CMSC 244

    • CMSC 245

Otherwise, these courses are to be taken in addition to the courses required in the PhD program.


The program requires the student to earn at least 36 credit units distributed as follows:

Major courses (27 units) consist of:

    • Core courses (9 units)
    • Other major courses (6 units)
    • Dissertation (12 units) (CMSC 400)
    • Graduate Seminar (2 units) (CMSC 399)*
    • Cognate courses (9 units)

Total: 36 units

*CMSC 399 to be enrolled twice, one unit at a time

PhD CS Course Descriptions

CMSC 341. Advanced Theory of Computation (3). Recursive function theory, computability and decidability. 3 hrs (class). PR. CMSC 241. (1)

CMSC 342. Computational Complexity Theory (3). Time and space complexities of algorithms. 3 hrs (class). PR. CMSC 245. (2)

CMSC 391. Special Topics (1-3). May be taken twice provided that the total number of units to be credited to the student’s program will not exceed 4 units. PR. COI. (1,2)

CMSC 399. Graduate Seminar (1). PR. COI. (1,2)

CMSC 400. Doctoral Dissertation (12). PR. COI. (1,2,M)

Semesters offered: 1 – 1st semester, 2 – 2nd semester, M – midyear